Friday, April 16, 2010

The West Side

Despite much laziness, I RAN YESTERDAY! This was a mental feat as much as a physical one.

Using this nifty website, I charted my path and found the total distance -- 3.8 miles.

The most fun part of this run is looking into people's houses while running down west st. Most people think the view across the river into Hoboken is nice.. Yeah, ok it is. But turning my head the other way, you can see into some of the most gorgeous apartments in New York.

For example, one of the biggest apartments with floor to ceiling windows, is located at 176 Perry St, which belongs to Hugh Jackman. The entire apartment is wonderfully lit and three stories high. While running, I can stare into this apartment, fantasizing about what it would be like to live and decorate it [hey hey, that's where the fantasy ends]. My heart rate goes up, I run faster, until I get to the next apartment I voyeuristic-ally view. It certainly makes for an interesting run!

Anjum, thank you for your love and support! I know you fantastize about... apartments... the way I do.

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