Friday, March 12, 2010

First Run Training

About 50 people gathered at Columbus Circle on Tuesday at 6:30pm for a RUN GROUP TRAINING SESSION.

One way to distinguish the runners from the wannabes? The OUTFITS. I was in a black zipup sweatshirt and Addidas pants: Wannabe, capital W. The real runners had cool mid-calf leggings with little reflective strips on the sides, sweatwicking shirts, and beanies. Why are the leggings mid-calf and not full length? I believe it allows for an appropriate gloating of awesomely sculpted legs without actually having to gloat. So smart. I will work my way up to those leggings. Unfortunately, they will sit in the closet right after the Tri.

The workout itself consisted of a 10 minute non-stop run (at our own pace) followed by 10-15 squats, times three. The RoadRunner's Club was also running on our same path. No need to state which outfits they were in. It was pretty hilarious to see them run past me - these folks were running so fast I seriously thought they were running away from something. Like a greasy cheeseburger. I can't imagine running that fast. Or away from a cheeseburger.

Shoutout to Akhill, Jimmy & Jodie who were my running partners on this very fine first run. We have like one thousand miles more to go together.

Jenn G, thank you for your donation! I dedicate this post to you, because you are one of above mentioned people who runs a lot and has awesome legs and thus should always wear understated gloating leggings.

1 comment:

  1. i was thinking of you during my morning run today...thinking how freaking amazing you are training for this...i hope to work up the day :)

    when are you taking a break? i wanna see ya!! spring break is next week, yay!!
